Politique de confidentialité

Politique de confidentialité

Nous vous informons que le site web www.hotelbecquer.com (le « Site Web ») est exploité par Bécquer Hotelera, S.A. (ci-après dénommé « Hôtel Bécquer »), avec le numéro d’identification fiscale A41027723 et son siège social à Reyes Católicos, 4, 41001 Séville. « Vous » et « Votre » se réfèrent à vous en tant qu’utilisateur de notre Site Web.
La présente politique de confidentialité (“Politique de confidentialité”) a pour objectif de vous informer sur la manière dont nous collectons, définissons et utilisons Vos Informations. Cette Politique de confidentialité, nos Mentions légales et notre Politique en matière de cookies constituent les “Conditions générales” de notre site web.

L’accès et l’utilisation du site web de votre part impliquent votre pleine acceptation des Conditions générales du site web.”
En ce sens, si vous accédez et utilisez le site web, vous vous engagez à respecter les dispositions indiquées dans les documents légaux mentionnés. La fourniture du service du site web est limitée à la période pendant laquelle vous êtes connecté au site web ou à l’un des services fournis par celui-ci. Par conséquent, vous devez lire attentivement cette politique de confidentialité chaque fois que vous envisagez d’utiliser le site web, car elle peut être modifiée.



Quelles informations traitons-nous?

Données traitées

Qui est responsable du traitement ?


Traitements de données


Vos droits

Vos droits

Sécurité dans le traitement


1. Définitions
Données à caractère personnel
C’est l’ensemble des informations concernant une personne physique identifiée ou identifiable, telles que le nom et le prénom, le numéro d’identification, l’adresse postale, l’adresse e-mail, les images, les données sur les goûts et les hobbies, les intérêts.
Responsable du traitement
C’est la personne physique ou morale, l’autorité publique, le service ou tout autre organisme qui, seul ou conjointement avec d’autres, détermine les finalités et les moyens du traitement. Dans le cas présent, et sauf indication contraire, Bécquer Hotelera, S.A. est responsable du traitement des données traitées sur www.hotelbecquer.com.
Responsable du traitement
Il s’agit de la personne physique ou morale, l’autorité publique, le service ou autre organisme qui traite des données personnelles pour le compte du responsable du traitement. En d’autres termes, il s’agit de prestataires de services de Bécquer Hotelera, S.A., qui peuvent avoir accès à certaines données personnelles pour la fourniture de leurs services. La relation entre Bécquer Hotelera, S.A. et ses sous-traitants sera toujours réglementée par un contrat régissant spécifiquement les conditions d’accès aux données, conformément à la législation en vigueur.
C’est la personne physique ou morale, l’autorité publique, le service ou autre organisme à qui des données personnelles sont communiquées, qu’il s’agisse ou non d’un tiers.
Consentement de la personne concernée
Toute manifestation de volonté libre, spécifique, éclairée et sans équivoque par laquelle la personne concernée accepte, que ce soit par une déclaration ou une action affirmative claire, le traitement de données personnelles la concernant.

2. Informations traitées en tant que responsable du traitement

Lorsque vous naviguez sur notre site web, vous pouvez nous fournir des données via différentes formes, notamment :

1. Données que vous nous fournissez en utilisant les formulaires de données du site Web ou lorsque vous communiquez avec nous par des moyens tels que le courrier électronique.

Les données seront traitées dans le but spécifié dans chaque formulaire. Dans le cas où vous nous envoyez un message, nous le traiterons dans le but de gérer les communications qui pourraient être établies, sur la base de votre demande.
Nous pouvons obtenir votre consentement explicite dans le but de vous envoyer des communications commerciales via chaque formulaire de collecte de données, ou via une demande dans un message électronique. Dans ces cas, nous vous informerons toujours au préalable de tous les aspects requis par la réglementation applicable en matière de protection des données.
De plus, si une fois votre consentement donné, vous ne souhaitez plus recevoir de communications commerciales, vous pouvez révoquer votre autorisation en envoyant un message à l’adresse lopd@hotelbecquer.com.

2. Données collectées automatiquement par le site web pendant votre navigation, si vous avez préalablement donné votre consentement selon les termes spécifiés dans cette politique de confidentialité.

“Tout comme la plupart des sites web commerciaux, notre site web utilise une technologie appelée “cookies” (de petits fragments de données stockés par votre navigateur sur le disque dur de votre terminal) ainsi que des journaux du serveur web pour collecter des informations sur l’utilisation de notre site web.”
Pour plus d’informations sur la façon dont nous utilisons les cookies, veuillez consulter notre Politique de Cookies.

3. Qui est responsable du traitement des données ?

Informations sur l’entité responsable du traitement des données.

Informations sur le responsable du traitement
Responsable du traitement
Bécquer Hotelera, S.A.
Reyes Católicos, 4, 41001 Séville
Contact protection des données

4. Data treatments responsibility of Hotel Bécquer

A. Management of communications through electronic means.

Summary: The hotel will process your data to send a response to your request or the comments you send us via email.

    • Data subject to processing: We will process the data that you have provided us in the sent email.
    • Purpose of the treatment: The purpose of the data treatment is to manage the communications that may be established with interested parties who send us messages via email. The data will not be used for a different purpose.
    • Automated decisions: no profile segmentation or automated decisions are made.
    • How long will we keep your data?
        • The data will be processed for the time necessary for the management of your request or comment.
        Subsequently, the data will be deleted if no new conversation or interaction occurs between the parties within a year.
    • Legal basis of the treatment: The legal basis for the processing of your data is the unequivocal consent that you express when accepting the privacy policy.

Obligation to provide data and consequences of not providing them: You must provide us with your contact information, as otherwise we will not be able to contact you in order to manage your request or comment.

  • Data source: the interested party themselves.
  • Recipients of the data: no data transfers will be made.
  • International data transfers: there will be no international data transfers.

B. Management of communications through contact forms

  • Data subject to processing: We will process the data that you have provided us in the contact form on the website.
  • Purpose of the processing: our website has contact forms in different areas of it. The purpose of the data processing is to manage the communications that may be established with users of the website who send us messages through them.
    In case you have requested it explicitly, we will use your data to send you information about our offers and promotions.
  • Automated decisions: no profile segmentation or automated decisions are made.
  • How long will we keep your data?
      The data will be processed for the time necessary for the management of your request or comment. Subsequently, the data will be deleted if there is no new conversation or interaction between the parties within one year.
  • The legal basis for the processing: the legal basis for the processing of your data is the unequivocal consent you give when accepting the privacy policy associated with each data processing form.
  • Obligation to provide data and consequences of not providing them: filling out the form is completely voluntary. In any case, if you wish to contact us through this means, you must provide us with the data marked as “mandatory”, since otherwise we will not be able to contact you in order to manage your request or comment.
  • Data source: the interested party themselves.
  • Recipients of the data:
      • No data transfers will be made.
      Hotel Bécquer has the collaboration of information technology service providers who process data on behalf and on behalf of our entity. In these cases, after carrying out a strict control of the selection of the provider based on the guarantees of compliance with data protection regulations, we will sign the relevant data processing contract with these entities.
  • International data transfers: no international data transfers are made.

C. Reception of Curriculum Vitae and participation in personnel selection processes.

Summary: In the event that you submit your curriculum vitae, it will be included in future personnel selection processes as long as you provide a formal response indicating that you expressly accept all terms related to the processing of data.

    • Data subject to processing: We will process the data you have provided in your curriculum vitae and any data you provide later during the personnel selection process.
    • Purpose of the processing: If you submit your curriculum vitae to us, your data will be processed for the purpose of managing your participation in personnel selection processes in our organization. The data will not be used for any other purpose.
    • Automated decisions: no profile segmentation or automated decisions are made.
    • How long will we keep your data? The data will be kept during the period of the personnel selection process in which you participate, unless you authorize the preservation of the same to participate in future personnel selection processes.
    • Legal basis for processing: in relation to your participation in specific personnel selection processes, the legal basis for processing is the execution of pre-contractual measures. Art.6.1.b). In case you have requested the retention of your data to participate in future job opportunities, the legal basis is consent.

Obligation to provide data and consequences of not providing them: the requested data are mandatory, as otherwise we will not be able to facilitate your participation in the personnel selection processes.

  • Origin of the data: the data must be provided by the interested party.
  • Recipients of the data: Hotel Bécquer collaborates with other service providers who process the data on behalf and on behalf of our entity. In these cases, after carrying out a strict selection control of the provider based on the guarantees of compliance with the regulations on data protection, we will sign the relevant data processing contract with these entities.
  • International data transfers: no international data transfers are made.

D. Subscription to electronic newsletter.

Summary: By subscribing to our newsletters or electronic bulletins, we will process your data in order to manage the sending of them.
Our newsletters incorporate technologies such as ‘cookies’ and ‘web beacons’ to gather information about the use of our services.

    • Data subject to processing:
      • We will process the data that you have provided us in the registration form.


      • Likewise, at Hotel Bécquer, we use cookies and similar devices in our email newsletters, with which we can personalize the content of our advertising emails to adapt them to those products and services with which you interact preferentially. For example, we can know which users have clicked on certain graphics in the email newsletter and adapt the content of future communications to the areas or topics with which you interact most frequently.
    • Purpose of processing: The data you provide us will be processed for the purpose of managing your subscription to Hotel Bécquer’s electronic newsletter, through which you will receive information about news and products and services related to our offers and promotions.
    • Automated decisions: no profile segmentation or automated decisions are made.
    • How long will we keep your data? The data will be processed until you revoke your authorization for the processing of your data.

The legal basis for the processing: the legal basis for the processing of your data is the unequivocal consent you express when accepting the privacy policy of the subscription form to the newsletter.
Obligation to provide the data and consequences of not providing them: subscribing to the newsletter is completely voluntary. However, in the event that you provide us with your data through a specific data form, we will need certain information such as your email address to properly manage your registration.

    • Data source: the interested party themselves.
    • Data recipients: a. Data communications
      • Data communications: no data is communicated to third parties except for legal obligation.
      • Treatments on behalf of third parties: Hotel Bécquer in these cases, after conducting a strict selection control of the provider based on compliance guarantees with data protection regulations, we will sign the relevant data processing contract with these entities.

International data transfers: no international data transfers are made.

E. Reservation of a room at the Hotel.

Summary: The hotel will process your data to manage your reservation at the establishment.

  • Data subject to processing: We will process the data you have provided us in the reservation form.
  • Purpose of the processing: if you book a spot in our establishment through the booking engine, your data will be processed to facilitate the aforementioned booking process.
  • Automated decisions: no profile segmentation or automated decisions are made.
  • For how long will we keep your data? The data will be processed for the period of time for which responsibilities may arise between the parties, with a minimum of 5 years.
  • Legal basis for processing: The legitimacy of the processing for reservation of a spot is based on the execution of a contract or the execution of pre-contractual measures between the parties.
  • Obligation to provide data and consequences of not providing them: The requested data are mandatory, otherwise the reservation process cannot be completed.
  • Data source: the interested party themselves.
  • Data recipients:
    • Data communications: no data is communicated to third parties except for legal obligation.
    • Treatments on behalf of third parties: Hotel Bécquer in these cases, after conducting a strict selection control of the provider based on compliance guarantees with data protection regulations, we will sign the relevant data processing contract with these entities.
  • International data transfers: no international data transfers are made.

F. Room reservations for event celebrations.
Summary: The hotel will process your data to process the requested quote and manage, if applicable, your reservation.

    • Data subject to processing: We will process the data you have provided us in the reservation form.
    • Purpose of the treatment: to send you a budget in relation to the request you make to us and, if applicable, manage your reservation for the celebration of an event or meeting in our facilities.
    • Automated decisions: no profile segmentation or automated decisions are made.
    • How long will we keep your data? The data will be processed for the period of time for which responsibilities could arise between the parties, with a minimum of 5 years. In case you decide not to hire the budgeted services, the data will be stored for one year.

Legal basis of the processing: the legitimacy of the processing for the reservation of rooms is based on the adoption of pre-contractual measures at the request of the data subject.
Obligation to provide data and consequences of not providing them: the requested data are mandatory, as otherwise the requested budget cannot be prepared.

  • Data source: the interested party themselves.
  • Data recipients: Data is not communicated to third parties except for legal obligation.
  • International data transfers: no international data transfers are made.

G. Request for obtaining the membership status or association with the Bécquer Club.

Summary: The hotel will process your data to manage your membership status to the Bécquer club.

    • Data subject to processing: those that you provide us in the application form, as well as those that you provide us in the course of our relationship with our organization.
    • Purpose of the treatment: the data you provide us will be processed for the purpose of managing your status as a member of Hotel Bécquer.
    • Automated decisions: no profile segmentation or automated decisions are made.
    • How long will we keep your data? The data will be treated as long as you maintain your associate status.

Legal basis for processing: The legal basis for processing your data is the unequivocal consent you express when accepting the privacy policy of the subscription form.

  • Obligation to provide data and consequences of not providing them: The requested data are mandatory, and if you do not provide them, your request cannot be processed.
  • Data source: the interested party themselves.
  • Data recipients:
      • No data transfers will be made except for legal obligations.
      Bécquer Hotelera, S.A. collaborates with service providers who process data on behalf of and on behalf of our entity. In these cases, after a strict control of the selection of the provider based on compliance guarantees with data protection regulations, we will sign the relevant data processing contract with these entities.
  • International data transfers: there will be no international data transfers.

H. Video surveillance.
Summary: information about the existing video surveillance system in the hotel’s facilities and offices.

    • Data subject to processing: image/voice.

Purpose of the treatment: to preserve the safety of people, goods, and facilities.

  • Automated decisions: no profile segmentation is performed and no automated decisions are made
  • How long will we keep your data? The data will be deleted within a maximum period of one month from their capture, unless they need to be kept to prove the commission of acts that threaten the integrity of people, property or facilities.
  • Legal basis for processing: The processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest.
  • Data source: the interested party themselves.
  • Data recipients:
    • Data communications: to the State Security Forces and Bodies, as well as to Courts and Tribunals.
  • International data transfers: no international data transfers are made.

I. Reservation at the restaurant.

Summary: The hotel will process your data to manage your reservation in our restaurant.

    • Data subject to processing: We will process the data you have provided us in the reservation form.
    • Purpose of the treatment: manage the made reservation.
    • Automated decisions: no profile segmentation or automated decisions are made.
    • For how long will we keep your data? The data will be processed for the time necessary to manage your request.

Legal basis of the processing: the legitimacy of the processing for the reservation of rooms is based on the adoption of pre-contractual measures at the request of the data subject.

  • Obligation to provide data and consequences of not providing them: The requested data is mandatory, as otherwise the reservation process cannot be carried out.
  • Data source: the interested party themselves.
  • Data recipients: Data is not communicated to third parties except for legal obligation.
  • International data transfers: no international data transfers are made.

5. Exercise of rights

You have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not we are processing personal data concerning you. As a data subject, you have the right to access your personal data, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, the erasure of such data when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.
In certain circumstances, you may request the limitation of the processing of your data, in which case we will only keep them for the exercise or defense of claims. In certain cases and for reasons related to your particular situation, you may object to the processing of your data. We will stop processing the data, except for compelling legitimate reasons, or the exercise or defense of possible claims.
In those cases where the processing of your data is based on your consent, you may revoke it at any time.
In those cases where it is legally applicable, you have the right to data portability, which means that you have the right to receive the personal data concerning yourself that we are processing and store them on your own device. This right also allows you to request that we communicate your data to another data controller.
Likewise, if you believe there is a problem or an issue regarding the processing of data, you can contact the entity through the contact address indicated in this document, and in any case, you have the right to file a complaint with the Data Protection Authority.
You can contact the Data Protection Delegate at the following email address: lopd@hotelbecquer.com
To exercise your rights, you must send us a request to the email address lopd@hotelbecquer.com attaching a copy of your ID card, or any other legally identifying document.

6. Security

Bécquer Hotelera, S.A. has implemented security measures in accordance with the risks inherent in the processing of personal data.
The implemented security measures are aimed at providing an appropriate level of security, including confidentiality, taking into account the state of the art and the cost of its implementation with respect to the risks and the nature of the personal data being processed.

When evaluating the risk in relation to data security, risks arising from the processing of personal data have been taken into account, such as accidental or unlawful destruction, loss or alteration of personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed, or unauthorized communication or access to such data, which could particularly cause physical, material or immaterial damage.

When replacing the current Privacy Policy of the website with the proposed one, all the checkboxes for accepting the Privacy Policy in the different forms should also redirect to this new Policy. Currently, some forms refer to the Legal Notice.